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Project App Planes

Project App Planes

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Fondo social europeo

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PROGRAMA EMPUJU - DESCRIPCIÓ Programa de Foment d'Ocupació per a la contractació de persones joves per entitats locals, en el ...

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El tiempo - Tutiempo.net

Planes. Alicante town by town

Planes, of great scenic beauty, is located in a valley north of the Almudaina de El Comtat mountain range, between ravines, pools and waterfalls, and is one of the main cherry producers in the province.

Click here to see the vídeo

Planes Tourism

El Barranc de l'Encantà

Legend has it that, before the imminent arrival of the troops of Jaime I, the Moors who lived in these lands rushed to hide their wealth in a cave in the ravine, while leaving an enchanted princess in charge. According to legend, this princess appears every hundred years hoping that finally some man will choose her and not her treasure and that, in this way, he will free her from her spell that keeps her prisoner in this place.

Diputación Alicante (Opens in new window)
Costablanca (Opens in new window)
Suma (Opens in new window)
Make an appointment in Health (Opens in a new window)
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GVA (Opens in new window)
Cuídate  (Opens in new window)
Valencian Community Tourism (Opens in a new window)